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6 ene 20222 Min. de lectura
Having cancer makes you think about death. Obviously. It's as if a clock with a countdown timer suddenly appeared, and although it's not...
22 nov 20194 Min. de lectura
Life After Cancer
One of the hardest things after cancer is dealing with your own mind.
16 nov 20182 Min. de lectura
25 things in 25 years
25 things I learned in 25 years.
23 ago 20183 Min. de lectura
Goodbye Frantz
A life or death situation forces you to pursue your dreams, because if it's not now... when?
11 may 20185 Min. de lectura
K.O. to Frantz
Sometimes it seems that everything is wrong and suddenly, everything is right again.
5 abr 20186 Min. de lectura
Frantz is back
In less than a year and only 8 months after my last surgery, Frantz, my pancreatic cancer, returned.
25 ene 20184 Min. de lectura
At 24
"Is it possible to have a second chance at life in full youth? This story shows that the desire to live is a powerful encouragement.&qu
26 dic 20172 Min. de lectura
Dear 2017
A New Year always has something magical.
3 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
Frantz's Ghost
After a war, the dead are left on the battlefield and with them, the ghosts that can choose to follow their path or return to get revenge.
Daniela Fajardo
3 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
Hashimoto and Tumor "T" Ghost
Tumor "T" Ghost isn't scary. However, sometimes it appears.
3 nov 20171 Min. de lectura
Ghost Stories
Cancer ghosts bring fear, anxiety and sadness. Read here two ghost stories.
29 oct 20172 Min. de lectura
October is the Pink Month
A potentially deadly disease such as cancer carries a metamorphosis effect.
29 oct 20173 Min. de lectura
"Hair Loss" by Jen Hods
"When the last hair fell, I understood what it was like to be viewed as a sick person" - Jen Hods.
22 oct 20173 Min. de lectura
Celebrating Life
After pancreatic cancer... what do you do? You celebrate life.
22 oct 20171 Min. de lectura
Celebrating Life (photos)
This is the squad responsible for my healing. Get to know them!
6 oct 20177 Min. de lectura
Goodbye Frantz | Part III
The battle for life is very difficult. It is a hard physical, emotional and economic struggle, but it is full of pleasant surprises and grat
28 ago 201715 Min. de lectura
Goodbye Frantz | Part II
Every story has a villain. Find out who he or she was in the second part of my last battle against cancer!
24 jul 201710 Min. de lectura
Goodbye Frantz | Part 1
I survived my cancer. I'm part of the 5% of pancreatic cancer survivors.
13 jun 20173 Min. de lectura
Letter to Frantz
Did you ever think about how a person with cancer feels? This letter is the most difficult thing I've ever wrote.
8 jun 20175 Min. de lectura
The Elixir
When I was 9 years old, my grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. One of the ways I found to deal with her illness was through a story.
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