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Daniela Fajardo
3 nov 20173 Min. de lectura
Hashimoto and Tumor "T" Ghost
Tumor "T" Ghost isn't scary. However, sometimes it appears.
13 jun 20173 Min. de lectura
Letter to Frantz
Did you ever think about how a person with cancer feels? This letter is the most difficult thing I've ever wrote.
Daniela Fajardo
4 jun 20175 Min. de lectura
A "Scoop" in the Thyroid
What is the probability of two friends having cancer with only one year of difference? Know the story of my best friend here.
1 jun 20178 Min. de lectura
Operation: Operation
The 1/2 surgery was a success and every day I am closer to total healing.
24 ene 20173 Min. de lectura
A Warrior's Journal: A Battle For Life
We all know an exceptional person. Someone whose story astonishes us and inspire us to be better.
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